Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is top of mind for many of our Boards and executives. Driven by real and perceived risks, IT is front-and-center in the ERM conversation. Our 2018 Special Topics Conference will focus on ERM in higher education: what is ERM; why is it important; how does it affect our institutional IT plans, strategies and actions; and, what do we need to do about it? NWACC Council members will hear from both internal (NWACC) and external points of view, and have the opportunity to engage with our CIO peers on the topic of ERM.
The program will include a keynote presentation by Doug Selix, IT Risk Management and HIPAA Compliance Officer, State of Washington Department of Enterprise Services, as well as member presentations by Sasi Pillay, Washington State University, and Chuck Lanham, Western Washington University.
We will also introduce a new feature that we’re calling NWACC Tapas: a series of short, high-interest, topical conversations facilitated by NWACC members. Tapas topics will include:
- Next Generation ERP
- Compliance/Standards
- Next Generation Learning Environments
- IT Service Management
- Collaborative Infrastructure
- Machine Learning/AI
- Blockchain