Every five years, the NWACC Council holds a strategic planning summit to review its current programs and decide which programs it will undertake in the next five-year cycle (the current program cycle runs 2014-2018; the next cycle begins January 1, 2019).
The strategic planning summit in October 2017 will coincide and be coordinated with meetings of NWACC’s Information Security program, Instructional Technology program, and Leadership Development program. Each of the programs will have its own meeting track and space for its activities. However, program participants will also have opportunities to interact with individuals in other programs and with members of the Council. In all, the conference will encompass roughly two hundred NWACC participants.
It is hoped that this event will promote cross-communication among NWACC constituencies, foster new ideas for NWACC activities, and help Council members gain a richer perspective on what NWACC programs mean to their staff and their institutions.
The program will begin at 2pm on October 18 and conclude at 2:30pm on October 20.
Keynote Speakers
Joe Garcia, President, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, “What Lies Ahead for Higher Education”
David Lassner, President, University of Hawai’i, “The Role that Technology Can Play in the Future of Higher Education”