Jeremy Lovato, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Willamette University since August 2023, is a strategic IT leader renowned for his collaborative approach and diverse expertise. Hailing from New Mexico, Jeremy’s journey in IT leadership has been marked by his passion for community-driven technology solutions.
As the CIO of the New Mexico Department of Transportation, Jeremy served as an executive member and strategic partner to deliver technology solutions that were designed to enhance and support all aspects of state transportation. Jeremy was recognized for establishing New Mexico’s first public sector broadband infrastructure strategic collaborative in which he joined forces with leaders in public safety, tribal communities, higher education, K-12, and economic development to leverage existing right-of-way infrastructure in the design of a statewide fiber network.
At Santa Fe Community College, Jeremy served as the CIO, executive member, and president of the New Mexico Consortium for Higher Education Computing Services. Working alongside other colleges, Jeremy helped initiate a first-of-its-kind initiative of converting six independent Higher Education institutions to a common and single instance SIS/ERP.
Jeremy also served as the Vice President of Technology Solutions, an outsourced and Managed Services Provider, where his expertise supported diverse verticals ranging from homeland security to hospitality.
For enjoyment, Jeremy coaches competitive youth soccer, is an avid big game hunter, and a Honey-Do enthusiast!